Page 148 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 148
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

da je izobraževanje v samem središču neoliberalnih javnih politik, saj naj
bi predstavljalo enega od glavnih kazalnikov prihodnje gospodarske ras-
ti oz. individualne blaginje. Medtem ko je analiza neoliberalne agende
v vzgoj in izobraževanju dobro dokumentirana, je analiza samega jezika
neoliberalnega izobraževanja na robu zanimanja. Še posebej zanemarljive
pozornosti je bila deležna razširitev samega neoliberalnega besednjaka z
z egalitarnimi idejami kot so pravičnost, pravičnost, enakost možnosti,
blagostanje itd. Ta uvodni članek v tematsko številko ‘Jezik neoliberal-
nega izobraževanja’ predstavi nekatere od glavnih značilnosti te premes-
titve poudarka, ki je povezana z jezikom neoliberalne agende v vzgoji in
izobraževanju. Prispevek hkrati predstavi tudi članke ter intervju, ki so
del te tematske številke.
Ključne besede: neoliberalizem, vzgoja in izobraževanje, OECD, ideologija

Vasco d’Agnese

Concealment and Advertising:
Unraveling OECD’s Educational Ehetoric

Over the last couple of decades, extensive analysis have been provided
about both the role and influence OECD has in the international educa-
tional landscape, and its main tool, namely, PISA, is one of the most dis-
cussed topics in education. However, despite the amount of studies pro-
vided, little attention has been given to OECD’s language and rhetoric.
In this paper, by analysing OECD’s public documents—including pub-
lications, reports, videos, and brochure—I go deep into OECD’s linguis-
tic choices. It is my contention that such choices and rhetoric play a piv-
otal role in the expansion and success of the Organization. Specifically, I
shall argue that, on the one hand, OECD conceals its normative and per-
formative role, thus presenting its products as – just – responses to press-
ing needs already present in schooling and society; on the other hand, the
Organization shows a remarkable prowess in communicating its ideas and
mastering diverse communicative registers, such as a scientific register, on
the one hand, and a language more in line with advertising style, on the
other—thus making, as I wish to argue, a problematic mix.
Keywords: OECD’s rhetoric, neoliberal language, advertising, education-
al policies, PISA

Prikrivanje in oglaševanje:
razvozlavanje izobraževalne retorike OECD-ja

V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih so bile opravljene obsežne analize o vlogi in
vplivu OECD na mednarodnem področju ter njegovega glavnega orodja,

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