Page 149 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 149
povzetki ■ abstracts

in sicer PISA, ki je ena izmed najbolj razpravljanih tem v izobraževanju.
Kljub številu opravljenih študij,, je bilo malo pozornosti posvečeno jeziku
in retoriki OECD. V tem članku se z analizo javnih dokumentov OECD
– vključno z objavami, poročili, videi in brošuro – postavim globoko v
OECD-jeve jezikovne izbire. Moja trditev je, da imajo take izbire in retori-
ka ključno vlogo pri širjenju in uspehu organizacije. Natančneje, trdim, da
na eni strani OECD prikriva svojo normativno in performativno vlogo
ter tako predstavi svoje izdelke kot pravične odgovore na nujne potrebe, ki
so v šolstvu in v družbi že prisotne. Na drugi strani pa Organizacija kaže
izjemno moč pri sporočanju svojih idej in pri obvladovanju različnih ko-
munikacijskih registrov, na primer znanstvenega registra na eni strani in
jezika, ki je bolj v skladu s slogom oglaševanja na drugi in tako – kakor
želim trditi – predstavlja problematično mešanico.
Ključne besede: retorika OECD, neoliberalni jezik, oglaševanje, izo-
braževalne politike, PISA
Rodolfo Leyva

Unpacking the Usage and Implications of Neoliberal
Language in the Russell Group’s Education Strategies

The Russell Group constitutes an association of twenty-four elite British
public universities, and plays a leading role in influencing the values, ambi-
tions, and practices of domestic and international higher education insti-
tutions. Correspondingly, this quantitative content analysis examines the
latest education strategy statements of said group’s individual members to
identify pedagogic and institutional trends and trajectories. Findings show
that these statements are predominantly rife with neoliberal discursive in-
flections of global competitiveness, instrumentalism, employability, and
customer satisfaction, which effectively and principally equate a universi-
ty education with professional development and research with economic
utility. Conversely, virtually absent from the majority of these statements
are the traditional university mission and goals of nurturing intellectual
curiosity, promoting academic freedom, generating pure scientific knowl-
edge, and fostering character and conscientious citizenship. This study sug-
gests that the Russell Group’s current and long-term plans for pedagogy
and research strongly reflect the language of the neoliberal policy agenda
for higher education, and have largely abandoned the academy’s historically
humanist and enlightenment principles and commitments. What this in-
dicates for teaching and learning in British universities is further discussed.
Keywords: neoliberal education, content analysis, Humboldtian model,
employability, Russell Group, instrumentalism

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