Early school leaving: cooperation perspectives.
Editor(s): Urška Štremfel, Maša Vidmar
Type of work: znanstvena revija
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 182 strani
ISBN-13 (PDF): 978-961-270-281-6
ISBN-13 (HTML): 978-961-270-282-3
Način citiranja:
Štremfel, U., Vidmar, M. eds. (2018). Early school leaving: cooperation perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, Digital library, Dissertationes 33, https://www.pei.si/ISBN/978-961-270-281-6.pdf (retrieved on, date), page.
Three monographs have been prepared as the scientific base within the TITA project (Team cooperation to fight early school leaving: Training, Innovative Tools and Actions). Each monograph covers in detail one of the three main pillars of the TITA approach – early school leaving, team cooperation and educators training. The three-year project forms part of the programme Erasmus+, Key Action 3 in whose framework the European Commission conducts policy experiments in order to test and improve policy implementation systems, structures and processes that have a potentially significant impact on the future EU policy agenda. The monograph offers valuable scientific insights into the topic of cooperation perspectives of early school leaving also to the wider interested research, policy and practice community in the EU and beyond.